Thank you
for visiting the NHRTL website. We defend all innocent human life without exception or compromise because a genuine pro-life ethic insists, like
the Declaration of Independence, that we are all created equal.
Thus no babies are "expendable" for the sake of convenience or
possibly saving
other babies. Some research, some reflection, and some prayer can reveal
to you why focused activism is the most compassionate response for
mothers in trouble and babies in jeopardy. Join NHRTL today
and learn how our group, led by 15 volunteer trustees, is fighting for the
right to life for all...
FROM 2008
Saturday, January 17, 2009,
Concord, NH
Don't Support the Abortion Industry
with apathy.
Join us for all or part of the March for Life as we remember the
Decision that led to the killing of tens of millions of babies,
wounded as many moms, and degraded the right to life for all
Americans. Bring your own signs or use ours!
Speaker and Author Shauna Amick delivers a passionate as well
as practical message upholding the sanctity of human life by
connecting God's Word to today's culture through her speaking and
writing ministry, but most powerfully through her own personal
testimony. Shauna is the author of Learning
to Live Happily Ever After.
The symbolic coffin for the Unknown Unborn Baby,
carried with great compassion, was followed by the Knights of Columbus in uniform, and the 350+
Lila Rose
is a pro-life student activist at UCLA with a passion for investigating
the abortion industry. Come hear what she has to say!
Lila works to use "new media" to educate and mobilize youth, and spread
the ProLife message to the next generation.
This event is the 40 Days for Life
midpoint rally at the Sanderson Hay Farm, 682 Post Road, Greenland, NH
Please note there are no facilities at the farm, call about local
businesses you may use.
NHRTL-PAC Chairman Bill Smith released the 2008 edition of the
Voter Guides. One is for the State House and is for the State Senate.
They are now posted on the PAC website under this
link. The PAC
has also issued a September 3 press release in
Acrobat PDF and MS-Word doc about the
State Senate races.
40 Days for Life is now in New Hampshire !!
40 days of prayer, fasting and
peaceful witness to end abortion.
Please join with 174 cities across the
country -- get involved in the location nearest you - Manchester ,
Greenland or Concord , NH
Sept 24 - Nov 2, 2008
Thousands of New Hampshire pro-lifers will be getting the August
edition of NHRTL ISSUES. This version has the NH State Senate
Voter Guide from the NHRTL-PAC, and lots of timely articles and
upcoming event announcements too. You can
download the PDF
version of this edition with this link.
Join us for the June 5,
NH Right to Life Educational
Dessert Auction!"
This fundraiser will be fun for everyone!
Music by Christina Bowie, drama by Human Video...and all those sweets
Director of
Education, The National Catholic Bioethics will be the keynote speaker at the RESPECT LIFE CONFERENCE St. Luke
The Evangelist Parish
April 2, 2008
7pm - 9pm 8 Atkinson Depot
Road, Plaistow, NH $15 Registration. For more information call the parish office at (603) 382-8324
Dr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk is a priest of the diocese of
Fall River, Massachusetts. As an
undergraduate he earned degrees in philosophy, biochemistry,
molecular cell biology, and chemistry, and did laboratory research
on hormonal regulation of the immune response. He later earned a
Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Yale University, where he focused on
cloning genes for neurotransmitter transporters which are expressed
in the brain. He also worked for several years as a molecular
biologist at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School.
Fr. Tad studied for 5 years in Rome where he did advanced work in
dogmatic theology and in bioethics, examining the question of
delayed ensoulment of the human embryo. He has testified before
members of the Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Virginia and North Carolina
State Legislatures during deliberations over stem cell research and
cloning. He has given presentations and participated in roundtables
on contemporary bioethics throughout the U.S., Canada, and in
Europe. He has done numerous media commentaries, including
appearances on CNN International, ABC World News Tonight, and
National Public Radio. He is Director of Education for The National
Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia.
"My daughter, Laura, was killed by an
Laura Hope Smith
"My daughter was killed by an
That is the shocking testimony of Eileen Smith,
whose daughter, Laura, died as the result of an abortion this past September 13 at
Women Health Center in Hyannis, Massachusetts.
To read more about this awful
tragedy, visit this
webpage. You can also hear or download an audio of a
compelling interview with Eileen at:
Eileen Smith is committed to share
her story -- and the importance of ending abortion -- anywhere and
with anyone she can. To contact her about helping to get her
story out, e-mail her at:
Please hold the Smiths in your prayers, and indeed all families who endure
similar situations all too frequently.
Help Pass NH Parental Notification
Legislation Now!
A legislative hearing on
NH State Senator Jack Barnes' parental
notification bill is THIS WEEK, Tuesday, February 19 at 2pm in Concord.
Click here
to e-mail NHRTL for specific ways you can help restore parental
notification ASAP. Check out this terrific video below too!
New Hampshire
Right to Life is the largest, oldest, and most active
NH pro-life organization. NHRTL was founded
to foster
respect for human life from the
moment of conception to natural
death and to promote the right
to life as the paramount social
issue through educational,
legislative, political, and other
forms of lawful activities.
Saturday, January 19, 2008,
Concord, NH
Thanks to all who helped by funding,
organizing, hosting, speaking, or participating! Welcome to all the newly signed-up volunteers too!
The symbolic coffin for the Unknown Unborn Baby,
carried with great compassion, was followed by the Knights of Columbus in uniform, and the 350+
Thanks to Ron Bourque
Associates International) for being our keynote speaker.
His fact-filled presentation captured the highlights of his great new book,
Questions" available from
Amazon and other fine booksellers.
NHRTL has a new leader in charge of the
fight against tax funding of PP (Planned Parenthood), the Promiscuity
Promoters. She has initiated the petition below, so
please download, print, sign, and circulate these petitions!
Rights" PETITION NHRTL supports initiatives to protect the family, including
parents' rights. Please print, sign, and circulate the
petition below, and return them via US Mail to NHRTL. MS-WORD VERSIONACROBAT READER PDF
"Emergency Contraceptive (EC) Bait Medicine" Flyer
NHRTL has prepared a new flyer that documents the
bait-and-switch method of the so-called "EC" pill. Please
download, print, and distribute this flyer to others. Just
click here or click on
this image for the Acrobat PDF
version of the flyer:
Pro-Life Witness Vigils
Your help
in these witnesses is so important. We hope you can make itto one or
more this month. Bring
your own signs, use one of ours, or simply pray.
Drop by for a
while. If you cannot be there please pray that
girls, women and men will choose life.Please
team up with someone and don’t picket alone.
Feb. 2007 Witness, Planned Parenthood, Manchester (Click picture for larger version)
We can win the battle for
the babies and their moms.It will be won by
attrition, by the patient, persistenceof people willing to
make sacrifices.
"Vaccine" PETITION NHRTL seeks your help stopping the use of fetal
tissue from aborted babies in the production of vaccines. Please
download, print, sign, and circulate these petitions! MS-WORD VERSIONACROBAT READER PDF
pray that our efforts to educate the
general public and the church will be effective
save lives and restore people tohealthy relationships
other people and with our Heavenly Father. Voice of Awareness
Campaign is one project to do,
well as publicaction, letters to the papers,
tables at events and word of mouth. We also send literature and
videos to individuals often. Contact us at or call 626-7950.
Join our programs, or bring your own ideas!
WEEKLY PRO-LIFE WITNESS IN CONCORD Pro-lifers are earnestly witnessing against abortion at the
so-called "Concord
Feminist Health Center", 38 South Main Street in Concord.
This is the most visible killing
center in the state. The witness emphasis is
on Thursdays, and while additional times occur, new pro-life helpers
should come by from 3pm to 4pm on Thursdays. Come for a few minutes or longer.
It is better to "gather two" or more, so please do not witness alone.
Your prayers and presence can make the difference to a mom in trouble and
a baby in jeopardy. Click here for other witness efforts.
Every Thursday pro-life
witness to abortionist Wayne Goldner Dedicated NH pro-lifers have consistently witnessed against the
practices of abortionist Wayne Goldner. He is by far the most vocal
and belligerent abortionist in New Hampshire, so Jeannie Szulc leads a
protest at his offices every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm. 150 Terry Town Road,
Manchester. Recently, a woman stopped to report that her
granddaughter is alive and well, and thanked Jeannie for her faithful
witness that helped change the mind of the abortion-bound mother.
Bring your own signs our use some of ours to implore women not to succumb to
the taunting invitations of this abortionist Wayne Goldner.
Click here for other witness efforts.
Witnesses Against Abortion Clinic in Greenland, NH
Join the faithful pro-life witnesses opposing the
so-called "Feminist Health Center" in Greenland, NH.
This occurs every Tuesday morning at 9:30am at
Portsmouth Avenue, Greenland, next door to the Greenland Town Offices.
Write to NHRTL via or call us at
626-7950 for details. Click here for other
witness efforts.
Hour of Prayer for Life: First Fridays of Every
Month Beginning at 11am on Fridays, you are invited to participate in an hour of
prayer and mediation to foster respect for the sacredness of human life from
conception to natural death, and for an increase in vocations to the
priesthood. The location is St. Patrick's, 29 Spring Street,
Nashua. The hour of silent and communal prayer will conclude with the
celebration of the Eucharist at 12:05. For more information,
please call Janet Heitmiller at 889-9333.
Click here for other witness efforts.
January 2006 marks the 33nd anniversary
of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision
which legalized nearly 50 million deaths by surgical abortion in America ... and
still counting every 20 seconds:
Get involved so no more children die and
no more women cry:
NOTE: Referral to
web sites not produced by NH Right to Life is for informational purposes
only and does not constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.