"Thank you for visiting the NHRTL website.   We defend all innocent human life without exception or compromise because a genuine pro-life ethic insists, like the Declaration of Independence, that we are all created equal.   Thus no babies are "expendable" for the sake of convenience or possibly saving other babies.   Some research, some reflection, and some prayer can reveal to you why focused activism is the most compassionate response for mothers in trouble and babies in jeopardy.    Join NHRTL today and learn how our group, led by 15 volunteer trustees, is fighting for the right to life for all."          -- Ed Holdgate, NHRTL President



FROM 2002


    Past  Alerts  Archive

    Alert 2002-11:   Sept. 26, 2002

    September 19, 2002:   Rebecca Kiessling visits New Hampshire Again!   Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church, Hampton, NH, 7PM.  Rebecca was our keynote speaker at the 2002 March for Life.

    Alert 2002-10:   August 30, 2002

    Alert 2002-9:    August 2, 2002

    Alert 2002-8:

    Alert 2002-7:  First Saturday Picket Vigil for Life + Senate Sign-ups

    Alert 2002-6:  Legislative Summary + NHRTL booth at CNHT Picnic

    Alert 2002-5:  Volunteers wanted

    Alert 2002-4:  Cloning bill decision



  • First Saturday of Every Month Picket at Pennacook and Elm Street Planned Parenthood Abortuary 10AM to Noon.   The location is about 1/2 mile north of City Hall, Manchester, near a pharmacy.  More information about this pro-life effort appears in the Stop PP page.

  • CHOOSE  LIFE  License  Plate
    The NH House stopped the legislation for this
    year, but adoption is not something pro-lifers
    just give-up on:  it will be pushed again so
    learn more.

  • Dec. 2002 Fundraising:   Word   Acrobat

  • NHRTL  Trustees

January 2003 marks the 30th anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized well over 40 million deaths by surgical abortion in America ... and still counting every 20 seconds:


Get involved so no more children die and
no more women cry:  life@nhrtl.org



New Hampshire
Right to Life is the largest, oldest, and most active NH pro-life organization standing in defense of ALL THE BABIES!

NHRTL was founded to foster
respect for human life from the
moment of conception to natural
death and to promote the right
to life as the  paramount social
issue through educational,
legislative, political, and other
forms of lawful activities.

US Sen. Gordon Humphrey,
 author of a 1989 poem
for the babies dumped
in the Concord Landfill.


NHRTL thanks
Sen. Bob Smith for
his pro-life faithfulness
(Click Here)

Is your church helping promote abortion?   Here's a list of churches supporting the
Religious Coalition FOR Reproductive Choice    The member churches are supporting
an organization that directly lobbies for support of Partial Birth Abortions.



New Hampshire Right to Life
has been on the internet since
October 27, 1997

Webauthor:  mailto:life@nhrtl.org  

We are an associate of

NOTE: Referral to web sites not produced by NH Right to Life is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.