The Derry District 5 voters are the most important endorsements I am
seeking on November 2.
Additionally, I enjoy the support of these leading New
Hampshire conservative organizations:
I'm an endowment member of the NRA and support the Castle doctrine.
Photo Gallery
Photos from the campaign trail...

US Senate nominee Kelly Ayotte with Kevin during Derry Trick
or Treat

Kevin and gubernatorial nominee John Stephen at DerryFest

Kevin & congressional nominee Frank Guinta at Manchester NRA

Kevin really wants your vote Tuesday, November 2nd !

Kevin & Ovide Lamontagne at Sept. 25, 2010 GOP State

Kevin & Senator Bob Letourneau at Derry's Shepard House,

Jim Rausch, John Stephen, and Kevin need your support and

Kevin with his "I am really ready for Concord"
face on.

Even his dog Roxy wants to get to Concord.

Use the Volunteer form
to get a sign at your house too.