NH Right to Life
Defending Life By Opposing
Planned Parenthood of New England
on Pennacook Street in Manchester
(PPNE is just to the right of the RiteAid pharmacy)

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First Saturday of Every
Month Pro-Life Witness/Picket:
Manchester Planned Parenthood
Abortion Clinic

  • NEXT: NOVEMBER 5, 2005
  • THEN: DECEMBER  3, 2005

10AM to Noon at the Elm Street and Pennacook Street location, 1/2 mile north of Manchester City Hall, near the Amoskeag Bridge.   There is a RiteAid drugstore next door to the abortuary.

Bring your own signs or use the extras we will bring.   Keep moving on the sidewalks, and be cautious of cars going into and out of  the parking lots.   Do not block any sidewalks or entrances  because the pro-aborts have made such peaceful non-violent blockage (like campus "sit-in") protests into a felony.  You are encouraged to bring video cameras to capture any possible incidents on film.   We have been asked to not park in the drug store parking lot.   If it is really cold or rainy, we often just stay from 10AM to 11AM.

In January 2004, the NHRTL Legislative Director's car window was shot while parked  in front of Planned Parenthood for a pro-life witness/picket.   The police have been unable to find the culprit (as of Jan 2005).   Read the January 4, 2004 NH Sunday News/Manchester Union Leader report about the incident in Acrobat Reader PDF or JPG image


NH Right to Life has been opposing the Manchester Planned Parenthood abortion clinic near the corner of Elm and Pennacook Street for nearly 5 years.   Faithful pro-lifers, to their credit, have peacefully, prayerfully, and persistently witnessed there even during excessive cold and heat and rain and snow. 

Soon after the December 4 "First Saturday" witness started (which has been ongoing for some 5 years), a very upset and presumably hurting young man (allegedly) brandished a shotgun while yelling obscenities at the pro-lifers from within his house.   The NH Sunday News / Union Leader covered the story.

During the tense moments, he reported a painful experience in his past.   NHRTL holds this man in prayer, thanks the 10+ pro-lifers who were at the event for their calm, enduring faithfulness.

NHRTL reminds the City of Manchester that we led vehement opposition to the opening of this abortion clinic, and especially insisted it did not belong in this residential neighborhood.

Link to MAPQUEST location of Planned Parenthood / Pennacook Abortion Facility

Large Map Image

Small Map Image

NHRTL leads both prayer vigils and more assertive pro-life pickets at the abortion facility.

Some photos and articles from when NHRTL led opposition to the opening of this Manchester Abortion Clinic:

Planned Parenthood of Pennacook Street eventually opened their doors,
and soon thereafter the First Saturday pro-life witness protests against their operations began.

Planned Parenthood's Legal Documents