The 2004 NHRTL
Joe Schiedler

Some 220 people attended, including pro-life
Gov. Craig Benson
Many thanks to all who helped!

Please print, photocopy, and distribute our invitation flyer or just e-mail this link.

Joe Scheidler is a nationally recognized pro-life speaker:

  • the abortion culture
  • fetal experimentation
  • sidewalk counseling
  • battling the courts
  • spiritual dimension of pro-life activism
  • churches’ responsibility in opposing abortion
  • return to biblical morality

Gov. Craig Benson is welcomed by NHRTL Pres. Ed Holdgate

Gov. Benson gave a heartfelt pro-life talk

Joe Scheilder was the keynote speaker

Pam Colantuono made the case for the Bush-Cheney campaign

NHRTL Chairman Warren Goddard helped with introductions
and later received a "Man for All Seasons" award

NHRTL Educational Director Betty Breuder

NH Pro-Life Council Russell Pond encouraged everyone

Fatima Curtin, Director of Birthright/Derry, explained
how the Birthright ministry supports women

NH State Rep. Kathy Souza (also NHRTL's Legislative Director), teamed up with NHRTL Trustees Barbara Hagan and Betty Breuder to present a award to Lenny and Eileen Moreau, who contributed greatly to the initiative to restore CMC as a pro-life hospital

Please send any photos you may have to

The 2004 NHRTL Annual Banquet occurred Sunday, October 24 at the Manchester Country Club  in Bedford.   The keynote speaker was Joe Schiedler, visiting from Chicago.   Mr. Scheidler is National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, a national pro-life educational and activist organization headquartered in Chicago. He is often credited with defining pro-life direct action. Joe is a stimulating and contro-versial guest. He has appeared on more than a thousand programs including: ABC News Nightline, Donahue, Crossfire, Face the Nation, Good Morning America, the MacNeil/Lehrer Report, the O'Reilly Factor, and others.

The Manchester Country Club is at 180 South River Road (Route 3) in Bedford.   It is about 1/2 mile South of the Bedford Mall (and Macy's). 

Regional Map to Manchester Country Club (jpg)

Area Map to Manchester Country Club (jpg)

Local Map to Manchester Country Club (jpg)

The draft version of the agenda is:

5:00 Reception
5:30 Welcome / Pledge / Prayer / Meal
6:30 2004 NHRTL Accomplishments
6:45 Upcoming Events
7:00 Recognition Awards
7:15 Speakers, Candidates, etc.
7:30 Keynote Speaker:  Joe Schiedler
8:30 Wrap-up


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New Hampshire Right to Life is the largest, oldest, and most active NH pro-life organization standing in defense of ALL THE BABIES!

NHRTL was founded to foster respect for human life from the moment of conception to natural death and to promote the right to life as the paramount social issue through educational, legislative, political, and other forms of lawful activities.















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