NH  Legislation  2005

Info on 2005 legislation related to the right to life

Follow the links below to see the full text, current status, and when you can defend human life by testifying before a committee.  You are also encouraged to write letters-to-editors about them and contact your own legislators. 

NHRTL Trustee and State Rep Kathy Souza offering testimony before the NH House Judiciary Committee.
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FLASH !!!  May 23, 2005:
Click here for NHRTL Press Release in Acrobat PDF format:
US Supreme Court to Hear NH Parental Notification Case  (PDF)


Hotlinks:  (Click on any one for details)
1.  Legislative Handout from January 2005 March for Life  (Acrobat Reader PDF)
2.  HB-656, an end-of-life bill, critique    (Click here for Acrobat Reader PDF)

3.  SB-134, an end-of-life bill, critique    (Click here for Acrobat Reader PDF)

4.  SB-30, making the morning after abortifacient available  (PASSED BY

5.  HB-399, seeking informed consent prior to abortion  (DEFEATED)
6.  HB-209, unborn victims of violence  (DEFEATED)
7.  HB-39, pro-life bill relative to sex education  (DEFERRED TO 2006)
8.  HB-104, pro-abortion bill about insurance and infertility  (DEFEATED)
9.  HB-105, regarding denial of fertility treatments  (DEFEATED)
10.  HB-106, regarding practices of fertility clinics  (DEFEATED)
11.  HB-83, regarding information handouts (HEARING ON APRIL 6!)


1.  Legislative Handout from January 2005 March for Life  (Acrobat Reader PDF)

2.  HB-656, an end-of-life bill, critique    (Click here for Acrobat Reader PDF)

3.  SB-134, an end-of-life bill, critique    (Click here for Acrobat Reader PDF)

4.  SB-30, making the morning after abortifacient available
We pro-lifers need to stop Senate Bill 30, because (among other problems) it would even allow minors access to the so-called "morning-after pill" without parental notification or consent.   The pro-abortion sponsors of the bill try to say these drugs "prevent pregnancy" and do not cause abortion, but they are wrong.  While perhaps not in every instance, the drug does (in those cases where conception occurs) induce an abortion -- the purposeful termination of a growing life.  Please express your earnest opposition especially to Sen. Bob Clegg and to as many other Senators as possible.   The full text of the legislation appears here: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2005/SB0030.html
The list of Senators appears here (click their pictures for phone number/e-mail info): http://gencourt.state.nh.us/senate/senatemembers.html   or just use this list: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/senate/members/default.asp
Update:  This passed the NH Senate by 14 to 10 on March 31.   Sen. Clegg voted pro-abortion on this bill, despite having pledged to be pro-life on his 2004 NHRTL-PAC survey:   Clegg Survey In Acrobat PDF     Clegg Survey in JPG

5.  HB-399, seeking informed consent prior to abortion  (DEFEATED)
There is a pro-life "informed consent" bill which dearly needs your support at a hearing on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8.   The bill seeks to insure women are given medically accurate information prior to obtaining an abortion.  It is sometimes called the "women's right to know" bill.  The full text of the bill appears here: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2005/HB0399.html It is sponsored by NH Right to Lifers Rep. Barbara Hagan and Rep. Kathy Souza (our Legislative Director). A committee of NH representatives will assemble to listen to public input on this bill on February 8, starting at 10am in Room 205 of the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord -- about a block away from the gold-domed NH State House.   Please invest a couple hours in support of this bill defending the moms and babies.   Very often many of our ideological opponents from abortion clinics appear and testify because, in part, they earn their salary by providing abortion.  Convincing a committee to decide against a bill often sways the overall legislative vote on the bill.   We citizens merely show up at the hearing and sign off a card to say we want to speak for 2 to 5 minutes to the Committee.   The postcards are collected and the Chair calls up speakers one at a time, usually alternating between those who favor the bill and those who oppose it. On important bills like abortion, there may be a wait of up to an hour or so before you are called on to speak. Oftentimes you can learn much from those who testify before/after your turn.   Each speaker who testifies can read their message, merely hand in copies of their message/letter, or speak with or without notes.   You can bring copies of articles or exhibits as you see fit.  After your 2 to 5 minute talk, the Committee members are entitled to ask you questions, but generally they do not ask questions. Then you may sit down again or just leave the hearing. Please please join this pro-life initiative February 8!  
UPDATE:  This pro-life bill was defeated on March 9 by a roll call vote of 207 to 113.

6.  HB-209, unborn victims of violence  (DEFEATED)
Full text appears at:   http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2005/HB0209.html
Pro-life Rep. Packy Campbell was the prime sponsor, and it sought to include the unborn is the various criminal laws. It was defeated in the NH House by 212 to 138 on March 30, 2005.

7.  HB-39, pro-life bill relative to sex education  (RETAINED TO 2006)
HB-39, a bill relative to sex education in the public schools, allows parents to refuse their children's participation in sex education classes and sets forth criteria for sex ed classes, such as respecting traditional marriage and stressing abstinence. It also requires that pupils be made aware of the "safe haven" legislation. A hearing was held at 10am in the LOB, Room 207, on Tuesday, January 18, 2005.   The House Education Committee decided to retain the bill in committee for another year.   The full text of this bill appears at:

8.  HB-104, pro-abortion bill about insurance and infertility  (DEFEATED)
HB-104 is an act requiring insurance coverage for infertility treatment mandates that all health insurersprovide coverage for procedures that pro-lifers find objectionable, such as "frozen embryo transfer" and "seven completed egg retrievals per lifetime."  Please speak against this before the Commerce Committee, 10am, Jan.26, LOB 302   The full text of the bill appears at:

On March 30, 2005 the NH House defeated the bill on a voice vote.

9.  HB-105, regarding denial of fertility treatments  (DEFEATED)
HB-105 is relative to denial of fertility treatment and already had the NH House hearing. Rep. Casey Crane, the sponsor, testified that women who are pro-life and do not believe in "selective reduction" can be forced out of the program, after spending time and money (i.e. at Dartmouth Hitchcock). There are a lot of issues with this bill, but the intent is not pro-abortion. We will keep in touch with the HB-106 study committee forming   The full text of this bill is at:   http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2005/HB0105.html
On January 26, 2005 this bill was defeated.

10.  HB-106, regarding practices of fertility clinics  (DEFEATED)
HB 106 calls for a commission to study the practices of fertility clinics and likewise has already had a hearing.  This bill is considered to be pro-abortion because it could compel pro-life institutions to provide objectionable methods of fertility treatment. It is sponsored by those known to support abortion.   The full text of the bill appears at:
It was defeated by the NH House on January 26, 2005.

11.  HB-83, regarding information handouts   (HEARING ON APRIL 6!)
HB-83 seeks to repeal the obligation of town and city clerks to provide persons applying for a marriage license with a list of family planning services. This bill passed the NH House last session, but was killed by the Senate.  Father O'Connor, the late chaplain of NHRTL, requested this bill, so we dearly want it passed. You can testify for it during the Municipal Government hearing on January 19, at 10:00 a.m., in LOB Room 301.   The full text appears at: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2005/HB0083.html
It passed by a voice vote the NH House with an amendment on February 23, 2005.   A hearing before the NH Senate
Public and Municipal Affairs Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, at 10:45am in the gold-domed State House, Room 100.



  • "Testify" is not as scary as it may sound.   We citizens merely show up at the hearing and sign off a card to say we want to speak for 2 to 5 minutes to the Committee of 12 to 15 representatives.   The postcards are collected and the Chair calls up speakers one at a time, usually alternating between those who favor the bill and those who oppose it.  On important bills like abortion, there may be a wait of up to an hour before you are called on to speak.   Oftentimes you can learn much from those who testify before/after your turn.   Each speaker who testifies can read their message, merely hand in copies of their message/letter, or speak with or without notes.   You can bring copies of articles or exhibits as you see fit.  After your 2 to 5 minute talk, the Committee members are entitled to ask you questions, but generally they do not ask questions.  Then you may sit down again or just leave the hearing.

  • "LOB" is the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, about a block away from the gold-domed State House in Concord.

  • "LSR" means it is not yet an official bill yet, but is in the formal planning stages.


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October 27, 1997

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