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The Chester Rod & Gun Club exists to serve the community by providing
 a family friendly environment to promote the shooting and fishing sports.

If you have any questions, suggestion, additions, links, or complaints about this website,
please send e-mail to webauthor  or all the Club office at
(603) 887-4629.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1:  How do I become a member of Chester Rod And Gun Club?
Q2:  How do I get a login/userID and password to the MEMBERS ONLY area?
Q3:  How do I know when the login and password changes?
Q4:  What about security for the MEMBERS ONLY web area?
Q5:  My login and/or password for the  MEMBERS ONLY web doesn't work?
Q6:  Why can I get into the MEMBERS ONLY area with entering a password?!
Q7:  Some of the CRNG information on-line is out of date?
Q8:  Where are the Club Range Rules and Club By-Laws?
Q9:   Where are the Club Newsletters and Meeting Minutes?
Q10:  How many members are in the Chester Rod And Gun Club?
Q11:  Is the CRNG a non-profit?   Are my dues tax-deductible?
Q12:  What are these 'Membership Service Hours or Work Hours'?
My question does not appear above.

Q1:  How do I become a member of Chester Rod And Gun Club?
See the Membership webpage.

Q2:  How do I get a login/userID and password to the MEMBERS ONLY area?
    When a new member signs up, the form asks for an e-mail address.
    Thereafter, the CRNG  Webauthor will provide the current login and
    password.   If you have forgotten the login/userID and/or password,
    just send an e-mail request to or call on the 
    Club at 887-4629.   NOTE:  Approximately every month or two, an
    e-mail is sent out to all CRNG members for whom the webauthor has
    an e-mail address, giving them the current/new login/userID and password.
    If you are NOT getting this period e-mail, ask
    to check/confirm/add you to the list of CRNG alert subscribers.

Q3:  How do I know when the login and password changes?
Those CRNG members with e-mail should receive periodic messages
    with various announcements and requests, and those messages will
    generally provide the current login/UserID and password is used by 
    all club members for a month or two.    There will be a "grace period" 
    of overlap for about 2 weeks wherein the login/password for the 
    previous month and the new/current month will BOTH work.
    NOTE:  Approximately every month or two, an e-mail is sent out to
    all CRNG members for whom the webauthor has an e-mail address,
    giving them the current/new login/userID and password.  If you are
    NOT getting this period e-mail, ask
    to check/confirm/add you to the list of CRNG alert subscribers.

Q4:  What about security for the MEMBERS ONLY web area?
    We know that having the  SAME  login/password for  all  members
    is not the best security, but we think it is sufficient for our purposes.
    We strive to ensure that only paid-up members have access,
    but we want to avoid the overhead of administering an individual
    login and password for every member.

Q5:  My login and/or password for the  MEMBERS ONLY web
doesn't work?
    First double check that you have the login/UserID and password for the
    current month -- they should have been e-mailed to you in the most recent
    CRNG Alert mailed to you.    Next, make VERY SURE that you paying
    attention to the CASE of the letters.   Make sure your CAPS-LOCK is not
    turned on.    Be careful with characters that appear the same, such as
    the letter  'O'  and the number '0'  ; perhaps just try it both ways.
    You could try the login/password from the previous month too.
    If all else fails, send e-mail to or call on the 
    Club at 887-4629.

Q6:  Why can I get into the MEMBERS ONLY area with entering a password?!
    Internet passwords like that used on CRNG depend on 'cookies'. Once you
    enter the CRNG userID and password a 'cookie' is stored on your PCs hard 
    disk.  Most people have their browser preferences set to automagically erase
    all the cookies when they exit the browser, but some people are configured to
    erase only when they shut off/re-boot their computer.  Some newer operating
    systems (like Windows XP) and the newer browsers (like Netscape 6+)
    ask/permit people to remember the cookies "forever". Thus, such people can
    keep visiting the members area without re-entering the password until the
    userID/password is changed by the CRNG webauthor.   This behavior is 
    not just with the CRNG members-only webpages; it is common to MANY
    password-protected websites such as most home-banking webpages.   To
    be far more secure, it is wise to configure your browser correctly and to
    close down your web browser program when finished.  You can learn more
    about 'cookies' at:

Q7:  Some of the CRNG information on-line is out of date?
    There is a browser phenomenon called 'cache' which might be causing
    visitors to CRNG to see out of date web information.   In an attempt to 
    speed up internet browsing, the programmers at Microsoft and/or Netscape
    decided to "keep" copies of webpages (once visited) in a LOCAL directory
    on the PC hard disk.  Most browsers are configured to always just use the
    LOCAL, hard disk copy of the page (if it is there) whenever one returns to
    that same web location --- it is much faster to pull it off the local hard disk
    than download it, especially on the s-l-o-w modems.    Therefore, you might
    see old CRNG information instead of the new updates when you return to
    pages you have visited before.  You ended up viewing your LOCAL, but 
    out-of-date copy of the CRNG information instead of the version on-line 
    which may be newer.    How do you fix this? 
    (1)    Learn how or ask someone knowledgeable about how to set the 
            Netscape/AOL/I.E. "preferences" or "options" to download every time,
    (2)    Get in the habit of clicking on your browser RELOAD/REFRESH
             button each time to insure you are viewing the latest version.
    This 'cache' behavior applies to ALL webpages out there, not just CRNGs.
    Since most webpages are RARELY changed one might not notice this effect,
    whereas our CRNG pages have been evolving a lot (and the calendar pages 
    change periodically).   Simple info on cache appears at:

Q8:  Where are the Club Range Rules and Club By-Laws?
    They are in the  MEMBERS ONLY web area.

Q9:  Where are the Club Newsletters and Meeting Minutes?
    They are in the password protected  MEMBERS ONLY web area.  
    Additionally, when new Newsletters are published an e-mail ALERT
    is sent out to our members advising availability of the new edition.

Q10:  How many members are in the Chester Rod And Gun Club?
    At last report, approximately 400 and growing.

Q11:  Is the CRNG a non-profit?   Are my dues tax-deductible?
    Yes, we are non-profit, but consult a tax specialist about it!

Q12:  What are these 'Membership Service Hours' or 'Work Hours'?
    In an attempt to keep membership fees down, and to promote a sense
    of club 'ownership', members work on CRNG projects like painting,
    cleaning, setting up/taking down for club events, etc.   Learn more
    at the 'Membership Service Hours' page.

Last Chance:  E-MAIL QUESTION(S) TO: 



Chester Rod & Gun Club
99 Rod and Gun Club Road
Chester,  NH  03036
(603) 887-4629


Contact Webauthor
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